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About paintings

The serial of paintings called "People and horizons" was motivated by my interest in the human figuration. Monochrome figures are placed within an open space that reminds me of a horizon. This horizon represents both natural and psychological landscape, which it surrounds and demarcates. This is an element that should not be observed and understood literally, but more as a neutral environment in which to embody the vivid and intense dynamics of the human soul. Achromatic figures, placed in a mostly neutral, encompassing scenery, reach out and connect to the colored elements positioned around them. A dynamic exchange and symbolic communication between the figures and the elements are allegories of the themes that inspire me deeply. They speak about the flow of time, about life as an open horizon where we strive to overcome our limitations, through intrinsic transformations and innate growth. The final goal is to eventually become unrooted and free to move.





About drawings


The serial of drawings named "Unaccustomed to encounters" is realized using a mixed techniques on paper. Human portraits in my drawings do not have identity, they do not represent specific persons. Instead, the portraits are comprised of universal features, corresponding thereby to a reflection of an archetype. Drawing these portraits using a similar blueprint, and experimenting with the dynamics of their encounter and arrangement within the surface, I investigate eternal questions of human existence and relation.

The drawings are made mostly through the contrast of black and white elements. The male and female faces form an external image of an inner dialogue through which the aspects of the soul are revealed. The bond between the figures is sometimes intensive and sometimes random. For me, this represents a constant striving to become complete by integrating what is initially ambivalent or opposing, anima and animus, black and white, shadow and persona etc.




Short Bio


1978 Kotor-Varoš, Bosnia and Herzegovina


2005 Master Degree (2 years painting program) in Art

from the Art Academy, Novi Sad

2001 Diploma in Art, Art Academy, University of Novi Sad, Serbia

        Academy of Novi Sad, University of Novi Sad, Serbia

1997 High school of art and design, Novi Sad, Serbia



14 Personal exhibition

28 Collective exhibitions


2001 The First Award for Paintings in the final exhibition of       

 graduating students(Generation '97/98)

1998–2001 Excellent Annual Results Award, Art Academy, Novi Sad

1997 Best Student Award, School of Art and Design, Novi Sad, Serbia


BKF Billedkunstnernes Forbund Danish Visual Artist

Member of Nordjyllandskunstrværksted, Aalborg, Denmark

Serbian Association of Artists, SULUS, Belgrade

Serbian Association of Artists of Vojvodina, ULUV, Novi Sad


Represented by

Galleri A i Lønstrup, Nordjylland

Galerie ArtMonopol GmbH, Salzburg

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